Wednesday, September 9, 2020

I Did It!

I rode my bike all the way to the Post Office and back!  That has been my goal for years because, as I have mentioned before, I love Post Offices!

However, and this is a big however, I did fall, yet again.

Bikers have to abide by rules of the road, I am told, so at a crosswalk, I had to stop, which means I have to get off my bike, because the seat is TOO HIGH and I can't quite get enough of my foot on the pavement to casually balance the bike while I wait to go across the street. I tried, but I fell.

This is not me.  I know enough to wear a helmet.  Because I fall.

The last time I fell I broke my wrist.  

I asked my bike-mechanic/long-distance rider/biking EXPERT- husband to lower the seat so that I could put more of my foot on the pavement, rather than just the very tip of my toe.

He said, and I quote, "You have to learn how to dismount gracefully." Apparently that involves gracefully sliding off of the seat as I gracefully put the very tip of my toe on the pavement.

Alrighty then. What that means to me is that I have to fall again and again and again in order to practice and finally learn how to GRACEFULLY DISMOUNT.

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Lower the seat! Or I will, if I can find the right wrench. You use a wrench for that, right?

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