Monday, December 12, 2011

We Have A Christmas Tree!!!

We haven't had one in years because we usually go to Austin for Christmas. When my older daughter had two children, she and her family came here. But now she has four and travelling with four at Christmas time is not something I would ask her to do. Someone is usually ill at some point over the holidays and four children, even my wonderful grandchildren, can FIGHT and ARGUE when confined too long in the car. I would hate to find out that my daughter and s-i-l had left one or more of them at a rest stop somewhere between here and Austin.

The second, and more important reason we didn't have a tree last year and almost didn't this year is BAXTER.

But I came across this table top tree when I was out today and couldn't resist. It was only $19.99, including the stand, but it became a bit more expensive after I bought ornaments that won't break my heart if Baxter gets/destroys them.

So far, his only interest is in drinking the water in the stand. I'm not counting on that to last.

(Oh, if anyone is looking for another of these really fancy tree skirts, you can find one in the kitchen towel section of Target. No expense spared here.)


Unknown said...

Mmmm pine water iis the BEST!!

Murr Brewster said...

Table-top tree says "I'm old. I have antimacassars on the wingback chairs and a shelf of African violets by the window. I'm in an apartment now and it smells a little funny. I have a bowl of hard candies for the kids."

We don't have a tree, even though we're old. That says "I'm lazy."

sallyknit said...

No attacks by Baxter yet? It seems like a prime target. He is slipping!

Anonymous said...

At least you put up a tree. We finally assembled ours a few days ago. It took 2 days to get the lights on and I'm hoping we'll throw a few ornaments into the branches before Christmas.
So you're a supreme elf...getting yours up early.

Susan said...

A nice little tree - Baxter must be slipping or he is just biding his time before going in for the kill.

Keeffer said...

i have to disagree with murr brewster. for the 30 somethings table-top trees say, "we're not grown-ups yet. don't make us put up a full sized tree. we're not hosting dinner and storing 100 presents. we just want to be a little festive. and we're lazy."