I am so pleased, and sort of surprised, too. The six-hundred yards of alpaca turned into lace! It wasn't even terribly difficult. The pattern was over ten stitches, with repeats every eight rows. The wrong-side rows were just pearl stitches, which gave me a place to go back to when I made mistakes, which really was pretty rare with this. I think I found it easier than the last lace project (which drove me nuts) because I HAD to pay attention; this pattern is more intricate than the one for the simple scarf I made.
Now I'm blocking it and it's my first time blocking lace. Lace fights back! Thank goodness it's not as fragile as it looks to me because I really had to tug on it to get it to size. I'm starting on a second wrap from the same pattern but with a different color of the Peruvian Tweed Yarn, and I think I am investing in blocking wires before I block the second one.
It's lovely! 600 yards?!?! WOW!
I've never done blocking so I wish you the best of luck with all of that business. In the meantime, I'm in awe of your lace-making skills.
Congratulations! A job well done. I love lace knitting, but have yet to develop a taste for the blocking. I'm kind of an instant gratification kind of person--don't like crawling round and round on the rug re-pinning.
So delicate and lovely!
It is gorgeous! You did a great job. Someday you'll have to teach me the blocking method you use...
Did you know you were my knit-mentor??? (Don't worry - I'm pretty sure you live a long way away from me, so I'm not likely to show up on your doorstep!)
oh its pretty!!
Blocking wires can really be your friend! I love the magic of blocking.
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