Because I am always on the lookout for unusual sources of yarn, and because we knitters use yarn made from all sorts of things - sheep, alpacas, bison, possums, llamas, angora goats, angora rabbits, silk, soy, milk, and ....shudder....human hair - it was no surprise to me when this information from Yankee Magazine came across my desk (well, OK, across my kitchen table via a letter from my sister). Clark's Trading Post grooms its bears to get hair to make into yarn and this woman, Maxine Taylor, is the official bear hair yarn knitter.
All it takes is bears willing to be groomed and someone willing to groom them.
Bueller? Bueller?
Definitely not as creepy as the idea of using human hair, but I won't be volunteering to collect hair for bear yarn anytime soon.
I'll ask the bear that hangs out at my son's daycare if he would mind a brush....
You are hilarious. Where do you get this stuff anyways, I guess maybe by visiting other hilarious blogs. never mind Bear Hair--I'd die to be able to try Qiviut (musk-ox) yarn, but it's something like $95 per 50 gm, and that's a lot of money whether it's in US $$$ or Canadian $$$
Sigrun-I know. I covet Qiviut also, but it's just WAY too expensive.
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