Before sallyknit arrived to teach Connie and me how to knit Papillon, I got my yarn out, untwisted the skein, and put it on the swift.
But the yarn had been so badly skeined that I couldn't wind it. It turned into this:
Feza Yarns Uneek fingering |
I can't even...
So I pulled out the second skein and decided to wait for whoever arrived first to help me wind it. Poor Connie was the first
Now it looks like this, after three of us tried to wind it by hand:
I knitted with a small bit of yarn that we could untangle, and dH has been working on the rest for hours. He always cleans up the kitchen after dinner, but I offered to do that if he preferred to continue on the yarn untangling project.
He said that was a good deal.
No, it wasn't.
Hours to go before he sleeps.