Sunday, August 4, 2019

I'm So Smart!

I have this print hanging over our bed.

Isn't he a pretty peacock?  

He is ever so slightly off center.  I tried, but in spite of the several sets of nail holes behind the print, it is still slightly off center.  I was too lazy to measure, y'all, and I didn't.  I just kept making holes for the nails and n.e.v.e.r getting it quite right.

We are getting a new bed on Tuesday.

What does that have to do with anything? you ask.

Well, here's where I tap my head, acknowledging my stroke of genius.

Mattresses are heavy and I can't push the bed over to get it centered under the print, so when the mattress is OFF of the bed, before the new one is put ON the bed, I will, tah-dahmove the bed ever so slightly to get the bed and the print correctly centered.

Work smarter, not harder, says I.

My mama didn't raise many dumb children.

1 comment:

Runner Dude said...

I have looked at that picture hundreds of times and never noticed that it is off center. And looking at your photo I still do not see it as off center.

You need help.