OK. I'll stop now.
It's been gone for
But now it's back and all the nasty viruses are gone (until I download the next one....) and it has more gigs (huh?) and has been thoroughly defragged (I didn't even know that existed, and what is a frag anyway) and updated. Yay!
I can't count the number of times I've thought: Oh, I need to write a blog about that, or that is funny/interesting/scary and not been able to post. Think of all you've missed! And you really have, because now, being 50-plus (in the sense that anything over 50 is 50-plus be quiet family) I've forgotten what I wanted to write.
But this didn't happen....

Hooray for fixed computers!! That reminds me - I need to de-frag my own!
I'm glad that the computer is back. Mine never left, but I can't seem to find the time to do good blog posts. If only writing was enough, I guess I could have done more, but I like to see pictures, so I like to post pictures, but that also takes time. And now the things I missed posting are old hat.
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