Thursday, October 18, 2018

I Baked!

I made oatmeal raisin cookies yesterday.  I almost never bake,  even when my grandchildren are here.  Youngest granddaughter loves to bake (she's 10) so I stand back and let her do it all.  She made cupcakes the last time she was here, using flat-bottomed ice cream cones for the baking cups.  

I buy cookies ready-made from the store.  I figure if I bake them, I'll eat them, so I buy them. And then eat them.  I might as well make my own.

Aren't they pretty? I used the recipe on the inside lid of the Quaker Oats container.

I had hoped that they wouldn't be as sweet as the store-bought cookies, but they are.  They are too sweet for me, so my husband will have to eat them all.

He won't mind.

On another topic, does anyone else love Abbott and Costello?  I came across video clips of them on You Tube where I was watching a cat video, as one does.  I remember them from when I was a kid. They were funny then, and they are funny now, in the old videos I mean, since they are dead now.  Poor Costello died in his fifties, and Abbott in his seventies.

This is their most famous bit:  Who's On First?

There are many, many more.  


Jono said...

I have a weakness for cookies and I also loved Abbot and Costello, And Laurel and Hardy and most of the rest of them.

Sallyknit said...

That is a classic for sure!