Monday, November 24, 2008

Help Me Rhonda!

While I was making dinner tonight, I turned on the television to keep me company. Lo and behold, The Real Housewives of Atlanta was on. I've never seen the show, thinking that I really need to get a life if that's what I have time for. But during the show, there was an announcement that the new season of The Real Housewives of Orange County begins tomorrow night.


I hate to admit this, but I became absolutely addicted to this show during season two.


These women are mind-bogglingly rich and mind-numbingly shallow.

Is my diamond bigger than Lauri's?

OMG, George (see, I even know all the names. Not proud.) just gave Lauri a Mercedes that's not even on the market yet. She gets everything handed to her and look how hard I work for everything I have. (whines Vicki, the workaholic control freak...oh Gawd, I'm so invested I even analyze the characters.)

SHE thinks SHE'S the hottest Orange County housewife? As if.....

So yes, I'm hooked. I AM NOT PROUD OF THIS.

But tomorrow night at ten p.m., I'll be watching.

(photo from Real Housewives of Orange County official website)

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