But I do NOT like doing Christmas cards and I don't know anyone who does. Everyone I talk to considers writing cards to be a chore. Why on earth do we still do it?
After all, we're in the 21st century now, a time of e-mails, text-messaging, i-mming (whatever that is), blogs, web cams and other things that I probably haven't even heard of. Christmas cards are tree-based communications, and don't we need all the trees we can grow? (Don't ask the timber industry about this.)
I was brought up on guilt (the gift that keeps on giving) and am used to feeling guilty for all sorts of things I shouldn't waste my time even thinking about; guilt accomplishes nothing. But when I write Christmas card notes to people I haven't communicated with since LAST year's Christmas card notes, I feel guilty for not keeping in touch. But then I remember that they haven't been in touch with me either. So why are we sending each other cards, for %^&* sake?
I suppose that no one wants to be the first person to stop all of this craziness.
Can you guess that I have an afternoon of writing cards ahead of me? And that I would MUCH rather be knitting?
1 comment:
IM-ing. Instant Messaging. Online chatting.
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