Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't Let Anyone Tell You

That knitters don't save money. This Capelet by Oscar de la Renta costs $2,990.00. It is probably knit by machine and the ad doesn't specify what it is made of. It had better be kiviat.

I don't understand the garment either---it looks like something that would annoy me. Every time I reached for a door handle, for something from a store shelf, for the steering wheel, the capelet would ride up to my shoulders. I won't be making one, no matter how little it would cost to knit it myself.

(And I don't know how to get rid of the those editing marks. Mac help anyone?)


Unknown said...

she obviously doesn't understand it either, look at her face1

sallyknit said...

I have one like that minus the turtle neck and I hate it for the very reasons you mentioned! Maybe I could sell it to Oscar!