Monday, June 7, 2010

This Friend of Mine -

-let's call her Kathy - protested when she called me today that she does NOT make some wonderful, delicious, exotic, and different meal every night. I don't live near her, but I talk to her almost daily, and we talk about what we're doing. I'm usually knitting; she is usually cooking. Even when her husband is not home for dinner, Kathy makes something wonderful for herself.

Who cooks just for herself?

She mentioned that her husband was not going to be home tonight for dinner and I asked her what she was going to have for dinner - all by herself. Baked salmon with mango salsa (which she made herself. Of course).

I rest my case.

1 comment:

Susan said...

And what do you do? Knit a dinner? You must care for yourself as you would another loved one!