I'm just back from Austin and visiting my four grandchildren (and their parents). I had a great time. They are all fun and...quite often, quite unintentionally...funny. We all had a good time until the very last few minutes there. We were just about set to leave for the airport when grandson (age 4) ran and then fell, hitting his chin on the coffee table CORNER. Ouch.
So off went daughter and grandson to the ER and off went my son-in-law, two-year old granddaughter and me to the airport. Grandson ended up with three stitches (poor little guy) and I ended up languishing on the runway for an additional 1 1/2 hours because of a groundstop in Atlanta.
But grandson is fine today and thanks to the versed he was given in the hospital, has no memory of the trauma part of the ER visit.
And I am back in Atlanta...sniff...and still waiting for the Claudia Handpaint to show up so that I can knit the second skirt that I need to wear with my new boots.
Yee Haw, y'all!
They are beeyewteeful, and I'm very jealous. As is Brandon. He declared yours "kick ass," which is a compliment.
those arenice1
Boots are FABULOUS!!!!
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