Maybe. This is granddaughter #2's stocking, made for her in 2003. So it's only five years later and there is a huge hole in it. Arghhhhh.....
I'm going to the LYS today where Jan, our knitting guru, is on duty Wednesday afternoons to help people with knitting problems. I first met her a couple of years ago when I CUT into the knitted fabric of a sweater for granddaughter #2 when I was trying to cut the stitching I had used to sew the front and back together. I thought it was a destroyed sweater, but Jan was able to fix it and not leave any evidence that it had ever been cut. Amazing. I hope she can work wonders today, or better yet, teach me how to work wonders. If not, I will infer that the universe DOES care.
Oh my goodness! I hope you get it sorted out soon! Thank goodness you have such a wonderful local resource to help you out.
BTW, I tagged you on my blog! Hope you have fun!
Boy, I wish I had someone around to help me with my disasters. We have to settle for craft stores, and the staff there is usually not expert in knitting issues.
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