Friday, September 18, 2009


I love language, and I am always fascinated by words, especially when I learn of a new (to me) use of a word.

Last night I learned a new word: Murder.

No, not that murder. Of course I know that word. I watch the news. This murder refers to a group or flock of crows! I learned this from knitting buddy, SallyKnit, at last night's knit night. (Hi Sally!) and I am fascinated by it. How did murder come to mean a flock of crows???

Now I'm off to research this....


hokgardner said...

Pshh- even I knew that.

Amy said...

I love this expression! In fact, lots of groups of animals have weird names, I found a long list:

Unknown said...

i LOVE collective nouns!!1 A parliament of owls is my favorite. and in alaska we say a treadwell of idiots, after tim treadwell who got eaten by bears he tried to turn into pets.