Monday, September 21, 2009

Please, Make It Stop!

The rain gauge in our yard has recorded 15" of rain so far, just since last Thursday, and it's still raining.

Actually, it's pouring, and thundering, and lightning. And it's dark all day, every day. It is starting to feel sort of end-of-worldish.

Supposedly, in the world of Men are From Mars; Women are from Venus (whichever way that goes), one of the differences between men and women is that when women have a problem they want to talk about it, have someone say they understand, sympathize, blah, blah, blah but men want to solve the problem.

So I asked dh to please make the rain stop. He said OK.

But it's still raining...........


Sigrun said...

We've been watching the news. That's a lot of water. Care to send some our way?

Keeffer said...

can i come home and visit?

Suna Kendall said...

I hope it stops. It's raining here, but I hope it stays.

And do post more photos of that circular blanket from sock yarn!

And to YO between DPNs, I just pick up in the gap when I get to where it should have been. If that makes sense.

Seamus O'Pine said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. O'K!! Hope you don't float away.

Janice said...

Happy birthday! (hokgardner sent me...) I'll tell my DH to work on the rain thing for you too. He'll probably start by telling the weather, "You should..."

Suna Kendall said...

Happy birthday, even if it's a bit late!

Ann in NJ said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope your wishes come true!

Ann in NJ said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Hope your wishes come true!