Sunday, August 2, 2009

birthers, Elvis

I encountered a birther yesterday and before I started to say anything, I remembered the wisdom of an old friend: You can't argue with ignorance.

Especially intentional, proud ignorance.

So I didn't bother.

But in other news, Elvis is still living in the trailer park in Arizona. He works part time as the handyman and does odds and ends of jobs for the other residents there. They say he's a nice old guy, pretty spry and sharp in spite of his age and past drug use.

Nice to know, really.


Sigrun said...

Pardon my ignorance, but "What is a birther?"

Barb Matijevich said...

And I thought I saw him at the 7-11 by my house! Bummer.

(Honestly, people are so interesting. I wonder if she thinks that he still looks like he did in the 50's?)

calicobebop said...

Yes, good to know Elvis is alive and doing yard work.

Also, I'm with Sigrun - what's a birther? I'm not down with the new lingo these days. :)

knittergran said...

birthers (I won't give them upper case letters) believe that Obama was not born in the US and therefore cannot be President.