Nope, in LA.
Two days ago my daughter was in a garage across the street getting work done on her car and took this picture for me. I asked her to go over and buy a spell and she said, No, that it would probably be expensive.
Expensive!!!!! For what? She would essentially be buying.....uh.....NOTHING!!!
Candles, incense, oils....those you can buy. But spells??? I don't believe so.
When I go back, I'm going to go here (apparently they will still be in business recession or no recession) and see what's up. What can I say - the idea of it fascinates me.
And on the topic of all things nutty: older daughter told me that she saw something about one of the Atlanta housewives going regularly to a palm-reader. Just how much can her palm change from one appointment to the next?
But maybe I'm wrong and Hamlet was right when he said,
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Sorry, Hamlet. Spells? Palm-reading? Nope. Nutty.
I had my palm read for a lark two nights before my wedding but I cannot remember a h she said
Why wait until you go back to LA. You can shop on line!!
People will pay for spells and repeated palm readings? Only in America. Ya gotta love Capitalism.
Maybe I should open up a spell shop. My rhyming skills are stellar. When you go there again, ask them what kind of spells are in demand these days.
i really think she could get $20 or so for spells. i'm not paying that much for nothing. $5 maybe.
I do tarot readings--that works, but it isn't magic, just dragging stuff up from making random connections.
And you don't buy spells, you make them yourself. Just focus on intent, sorta like wishing. All the ingredients and stuff just help you focus. (See, you need someone who has studied this stuff in your life.)
I haven't been ignoring you--your posts stopped appearing in my feed, and then suddenly I got a whole month! And what a busy month. I hope you and your garage are feeling better! And the cat!
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