I took my broken glasses to Pearle Vision today, expecting:
a. A long, long wait for service. (I had knitting with me.) I have never not had a long wait.
b. Crummy customer service when they discovered that I was there to complain about my broken glasses.
I walked in and was immediately greeted and seated at a desk. The staff member listened to my problems with the glasses. This was about the fifth time I had been back with them; they are supposed to have a magnet in the bridge to hold sunglasses on, but that magnet had fallen out countless times, been glued back in, and fallen out, and then the original frames had been replaced twice. Not having the magnet in the bridge meant there was only the thinnest plastic holding the frames together, and I suppose that's why they broke where they did.
I did not expect to have any happy resolution, but I was wrong. The technician immediately offered me:
a. Replacement frames exactly like the ones that had broken. They would just pop my lenses in.
b. Different frames at a sale price, with new lenses made, for a price of $100, considerably less than they had cost me last time.
I picked b. and my new glasses will be ready in two weeks.
I had really expected to have to find a new source of glasses but because my problem was quickly taken care of today, my dislike/hate relationship with Pearle goes on for another year.
And I was in and out of the place in twenty minutes, so in a weird, knitter way, rats! No knitting time at Pearle Vision!
But I did run several other errands and ended up with knitting time at the car wash. I am working on this scarf:
It's a good thing that I don't need my glasses in order to knit!
Oh D*MN!!! There's a bird in the house!!!!!
Update: Two hours later - I left the front and back doors open and the bird now appears to be gone. I shut myself in my "knitting room" and when I came out, I could not find the bird.
um, younger daughter really likes that scarf. hint hint.
isn't that sad when you get all worked up to be righteously indignant at a store and then they are helpful and let all the wind out of your sails??
Too funny - I love how you ended that post.
The yarn is so pretty! I can't wait to see the finished product!
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