There is nothing true about that sentence. I have always wanted to use swanning about in a sentence but have never had any occasion to, so I decided to just make something up. It's Old English, and I'm older-ish, so maybe that's why I like it so much.
But, speaking of my cat, while I heart my cat, I don't want to wear my cat, if you get my drift. However, if I did want to, here is a business that could make it happen: Pet Yarn Chic.
You can send them your pet's hair/fur/whatever, and they will make it into yarn. Ick, I say, but whatever floats your boat. And if you don't knit, Pet Yarn Chic will supply someone to knit for you.
If my cat would like to swan about, he can; I won't be stopping him to collect his hair to turn into yarn.....
ew ew ew ew
I was collecting my golden retriever's fur for a while and mom was going to do that. Then is discovered he had lice...
Um, yuck. I briefly considered using my cat's pelt as a muff, but decided that might be a little off-putting.
My cousin-in-law has offered his dog's fur should I ever decide to take up spinning. I said thanks but no thanks.
And I use "to swan" all the time. In fact, I usually use it to describe Lily. She frequently swans around the house.
You're too funny. I had a moment where i thought of starting a word verification dictionary on my blog. Some of the words are so funny. i thought I could make up definitions for them. but then i didn't see very many funny ones any more.
You're too funny. I had a moment where i thought of starting a word verification dictionary on my blog. Some of the words are so funny. i thought I could make up definitions for them. but then i didn't see very many funny ones any more.
The real reason i was going to comment: I have knit hat and scarf from a fellow-teacher's Samoyed dog's hair. it was like pure angora. supremely soft, but sneezy since the dander kept going up my nose.
The pins on my socks are counting rows. i hate counting and re-counting, so I place a pin every 10th row. Check back to the comments on my blog for more info about that.
I wish my neck was long enough so that I could 'swan about', but alas, I'm neck-challenged.
Making yarn out of pet fur is creepy. I have no idea why it's okay to do it with sheep and alpaca furn and not dogs and cats, but there it is.
I thought of you the other day as I cursed the black yarn I'm using to make socks. NEVER AGAIN. I cannot see to pick up the stitches around the heel. WHAT WAS I THINKING???
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