Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dear Younger Daughter,

Remember two years ago when I came out to visit? Well, before I left Atlanta, I bought what the salespeople told me were really "cool" shirts and that they were perfect for my visit to Los Angeles.

But when I got to LA and showed them to you, you rolled your eyes and sighed. You said, and I quote here: They look like something Reba McEntire would wear. I had no idea then what you meant, but I knew it wasn't good.

However now, thanks to a trip to the mall this morning, I discovered what Reba McEntire would wear because she has her own line of clothing! Who knew!!! (Example below) So I wandered through her collection and bought................................................................................................


I still don't know what, other than the label, makes something something Reba McEntire would wear, but you can breathe a deep sigh of relief. When I come to LA next time, I won't be wearing her label.

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