This is the first time I've had professional painters do indoor painting for us. Usually it's DH and me struggling to get some painting done. But dH is too busy, and I'm trying to put off hand surgery as long as possible (never) and holding paintbrushes and roller handles is really painful. I need my hands for knitting.
So here is what professional painters do:
*Show up completely stocked with everything they need.
*Put drop cloths on every single thing that could conceivably get paint on it.
*Sand ALL the surfaces to be painted.
*Sand the areas where they have put putty in holes, over damage.
*Then, as doG is my witness, they VACUUM up all the dust.
*Put all the switchplate/outlet covers back in place the SAME DAY that they paint.
Here is what dH and I do:
*Make at least a half dozen trips to the paint store/Lowes/Home Depot to get the things we forget or run out of.
*Find an old sheet and move it around on the floor as we paint. The sheet will not be large enough to catch all the drips and spatter. Guaranteed.
*Sometimes sand a few of the surfaces to be painted. But usually not.
*Where we do sand, if we do sand, we vacuum up all the dust. Hah, hah, hah....No.
*Eventually, maybe, put all the switchplate/outlet covers in place. If we can find the screws.*Drink alcohol.
Lesson learned:
Hire the professionals.
(And I love, love, love the turquoise!)
It looks so crisp and beautiful! Nice choice. And yes, except for the writing the check part, I would much rather hire professionals to paint.
I am amazed at how much easier it is to let pros do certain things. I assure you that when the time comes to remove the wallpaper in the kitchen, I will NOT be doing it. They have the equipment and skill, so I will leave it to the pros!
Love the results, too.
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