First I'll whine.
I did it again-left a perfectly good Knit Picks Harmony d/p Needle on the plane. I'm down to three needles in size 2. I need four. I lost the third on the plane back from Costa Rica. Some day cleaning staff at Delta will find these needles between two seats on two flights and wonder what someone was up to. Then needles will be forbidden on all flights.
Sorry, fellow knitters.

Now for the tip. A friend told me about this when I complained that Delta security had TAKEN the
TSA approved lock off of my suitcase and not put it back. So I was off to buy another. She told me to use these wire ties and carry extras with me. If security cuts it off, you have a cheap replacement.

And now the bonus: If you go to LA, go to the
Getty Center. It is amazing. It's at the top of a mountain, and the views are panoramic. The ocean, LA, it's all there!

Of course it's filled with great art, so much great art that it would take more than one day to see it all. A guard told me that it's half the size of the Louvre, but I don't know if that's true. It
IS huge though, so maybe. It's the richest museum in the world thanks to Mr. Getty's oil monopoly in parts of Saudi Arabia, so whatever the directors want in the museum, they get. Again according to the guard, the trust or foundation has to spend $30 million a
month, so admission is free (except for parking), the staff are very well paid and have great benefits.
We were lucky to be there on a beautiful day with no smog, so we could see forever.
Gawjus yarn - what is it?
And my friend's hubby is in charge of HVAC and environment at that museum, and I can tell you: yes, they are well paid and have good bennies
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